My Own 21st: A Day to Remember

By 1:14 PM , , ,

Hi everyone! This is pathetically 2 weeks late but I have finally found the right words and time to post about my 21st birthday. Thank you Jayne for giving me the permission to post about my 21st especially since hers was only yesterday. 

So I'm going to make this post short and sweet to express my deepest heartfelt thoughts in the most succinct manner.

It was finally my turn to hit 21 years old, a true once in a lifetime milestone. Choosing a setting was not difficult for such an occasion and Riverview hotel was an easy choice due to its good food and nearby venue.

Guests flowed in and the food was savored. Just a pity that I couldn't get to taste them much. Missed the bread and butter pudding but thankfully managed to try the butter curry prawn which was a huge hit on the day.

But all these were not important. What I felt on the day was really sheer exhilaration albeit tiredness. My family and friends made time for me to grace this special occasion of mine and I'm truly thankful. Thankful beyond words. Without all of them, my 21 years would have been pointless and a mundane bore. I've probably said my thanks many times both personally and on social media. I can't thank all of you enough for all the memories.

Received presents but I know that nothing is more important than the true kinship and friendship present. So this post is dedicated to all those that made your way down(and also to those that weren't present at the party)and were important to me in one way or another.

First and foremost, a special thank you to my family. There would always be this firm pillar of support no matter what happens to me. Listening to my problems and happiness and tolerating whatever nonsense that I have put you guys through - for being my pillar of strength.

Secondly, a special thank you to my secondary school friends for being the rock in my childish school years, allowing me to carve myself out slowly but surely into the person I am today. For going through so much crazy funny nonsense during those younger years. It was simply a joy in those 4 beautiful years.

A special thank you to my JC friends, for being part and parcel of those 2 years where I had uninhibited ecstasy and fun. I truly got to know myself better in those years and it wouldn't have been made easier and possible without all of you by my side.

Last but not least, a special thank you to my army friends, for standing by me in what was definitely the most tiring and harrowing days of my life. So many moments that scarred me, fatigued me but you guys brought me out from the dumps. Mistakes were made but life is worthwhile for its many elements and its imperfections as well. Embracing them and improving oneself is the way forward.

I'm truly grateful and thankful for all of you and since I was being rushed for this post by a certain someone.. I guess I should just post this today! So really sorry Jayne I'll post about your birthday either later today or tomorrow!

In an eagerness to engage my friends better, I did organize some games that had many interesting moments to integrate the crowd. So here are some pictures from my birthday party!

It was a perfect day with so many moments to reminisce and remember, filled with so many moments that I will keep close to my heart.

So with that, Peanut has made another dedication.

Stay tuned for more adventures!

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