By 12:40 AM , ,

Hi everyone and here I am back with another post but this time the topic of my post will be unique as I will be sharing with all of you about school food. So what better way to kick things off by starting from a place which I consider my home away from home. This school is none other than my JC, Victoria Junior College. When I went to the Open House last week, I had a slight idea of doing a food edition for schools. It wasn't until I met some of my old schoolmates before I had the impulse to do this post. It sounded fun and it certainly is different from the norms of talking about outside food that you can mostly find anywhere else on the Internet.

So since O level results were just out yesterday, I shall do this little publicity stunt for my school which I have never regretted choosing in spite of its distant location away from my house. Apart from the fun factor, VJC actually has some decent foods that I am going to share with you about. 3 years ago when i graduated, some of the old food stalls were phased out and I can't exactly remember the reasons why. In fact, after going for the Open House, I am all the more curious about the changes and different varieties that VJ food can offer in this current time.(Gosh I sound so old..)

This list is going to include the top 5 food stalls in VJC.

(Before I start off this post, I would like to thank Isabel who helped me with taking pictures for this post and giving me some creative ideas. Really appreciate it!)

Fruit Juice Stall:

First and foremost, this fruit juice stall has got to be the indisputable no.1 stall in the canteen of VJC and hence, its order on my list. You must be wondering...why the fruit juice stall? They do not even sell solid main courses that are going to fill your stomach.

The reason is due to the fact that the VJC Fruit Juice Stall is probably the only stall that I hear of amongst schools that implements customized drinks from its students. The stall sells intriguing drinks such as the Dancer drink whether you believe or not. All of these flavours have got unique names that originate from the creativity of the students and has over time developed into one of their best sellers. Not only are such drinks original and unique, they taste wonderful as well and I am not being biased here just because I am from VJ. These drinks are not even shown on the stall menu so for someone who does not frequent or even step foot in VJ, please mention these drinks to the uncle if you want to try them. It would be a pity if you choose juices that can also be found elsewhere in Singapore hawkers.

Dancer Drink

After CCAs or if students are simply looking for drinks to quench their thirst, the unique flavours the drink stall offers will no doubt satiate your desires. For alumnus that return to the school just for a visit or for other reasons, such drinks are able to provide nostalgic blasts to the past that whets your appetite straightaway.

However, the stall might be inconsistent in how the drinks turn out. It could be too sweet or too sour but apart from that, most of the time, the standard remains.

The customized drinks come in the $1.50/$2 size and the jellies and fruits cost around a dollar. 

Drinks: 4.5/5

Chicken Rice Stall:

The chicken rice stall obviously only sells chicken rice and variety-wise it already loses out. However, the chicken rice it offers is delectable and worth every single dollar you pay for it. The best part about the chicken rice has got to be the potatoes with that tinge of mayonnaise coated right on top of it. This stall definitely offers one of the better foods in Victoria JC. Unfortunately, I did not manage to get a snap of the chicken rice as it was all sold out by the time I was there. I did try the dish last week during the Open House and it still tasted the same as 3 years ago.

The chicken rice costs either $1.50/$2 and the potato is at $1 but well worth the price. 

Food Quality: 3.8/5

Noodle stall:

The noodle stall that shipped house from Greenville Secondary only began its service in the year 2013, a year after I graduated. It is little wonder that I am seemingly clueless about this stall. In spite of its short time in VJC, it has captured the students' hearts by making quality Bak Chor Mee and Fishball Soup daily. 

It's menu includes daily specials such as their all time favourite Bak Kut Teh dish and Tom Yum Soup served on Wednesdays and Fridays respectively.

Small bowls come at $1.50 while the big ones are sold at $2.

Food Quality: 4.3/5

Western stall: 

The Western stall in VJC is the longest serving food stall there. It began its service when VJC started accepting students into its compounds. This actually means that this stall is about 30 years old. The most in-demand dishes include the different flavoured omelettes that makes you yearn for more as well as its chicken chop. The Western stall aunty is extremely friendly and lovable and the dishes the stall offers are equally likeable and popular as well.

Cheese Omelette and Pork Chop

However, here's a news flash. The cheap Malay stall that was around for the same duration has left in 2014 last year and unfortunately, the Western stall is going to follow suit very soon. The reason why that is so is because after interviewing the aunty there, I got to know that they actually stay quite a distance away from the school and apparently, they cannot afford the COE when it expires in another 1.5 years. So for those who still misses the Western Stall in VJC, you can make the effort by going back to try their fantastic food again because very soon they would not be working in the school anymore.

Such a pity but I guess all things good eventually come to an end...

The price range for its food can go as cheap as 30 cents for its nuggets to $2.50 for its chicken chop.

Food Quality: 4.2/5

Grill & Pasta:

Last but not least, Grill & Pasta is the other popular Western stall in the canteen. It sells the alternative main dishes such as the Teriyaki Chicken and Spaghetti Bolognese. The student favourites are main courses that include chicken and fish and the main dishes come with a choice of 3 sauces namely the Black Pepper sauce, Teriyaki sauce and Brown sauce. Rice-based dishes are more popular after 12.

Teriyaki Chicken with Brown Sauce

The price range for the main courses are from $2-$2.60.

Food Quality: 3.9/5

Apart from these 5 favourite stalls. VJC also has a normal drink stall that sell a variety of drinks such as barley on different days and this was implemented only in 2014. There is also a Malay stall, a Chinese Economical Rice stall, Japanese stall and a separate Chinese stall that sells dim sums and half boiled eggs.

Food from Malay Stall

A better meal can certainly fuel the brain and increase the capacity for studying better. VJC's canteen can certainly provide good food which makes a good meal.

So with that, Peanut has left a marker on another food place.

Stay tuned for more adventures!

Signing off,

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