By 10:51 AM ,

People come and go in life. True fact. Hard fact. That is why the year 2015 is a precious one. A year of many 21st which also means a year of meeting familiar faces whom you have not met up with in ages. Busy and hectic schedules have meant meet ups with them are hard to come by. That is what truly makes this year such a golden year - Catching up on lost time and not missing such an important milestone in that someone's life. So I have decided to introduce this new section to my blog solely because it is the year of 21st birthdays and maybe even go one step further with such posts in the future. (Dedications) I feel that such a section has never actually been done before and I find it extremely meaningful to do it.

My life is not complete without my family and friends. Peanut adventures would not be around without the support of them. Forget about this blog being solely on food stuff and travel stuff. I'm retweaking it and filling it up with bits and pieces of my life as well in addition to my food and travel adventures.


2014 has been a mixed year but the one constant has been meetups with the CCHMS volleyball guys. The impression of stayovers are mainly predominant amongst girls but for some reason, this has not been the truth for our clique. Towards the end of our NS tenure, meetups and stayovers became more and more frequent and this symbolizes our bond- it grew even stronger. 


How apt is it that I am actually writing this post at his place now(yes another sleepover!). After seeing my first dedication post, he wanted one dedicated to him as well. Upon special request, and even without it, I would still have gone ahead with this post. This dedication to him is a big fat must and that is not just on the accounts of him being present in my life. 

So who is this Tsz Hin? Let me give a short bio of who is this person before I carry on.
Tsz Hin, Tony
Just turned 21
CCHMS(Main) Volleyball School Team Captain
Extremely adept in his kp and soccer skills.
Throughout the 7 years, I have come to realise that Tsz hin is extremely driven. If he has his sights set on certain goals and targets, he would not hesitate to work hard towards it in spite of distractions. He is an easily relatable person although sometimes you would have to incur the wrath of his Kp-ness. The one thing conspicuous about him, is seemingly his ability to attract girls wherever he goes and we always term it that he has this Tao Hua Yun. Every year one girl. Right Tsz hin?

That actually means that distractions are abound in his life but he handles it well.

Through school life, you have been this constant spark that never fails to make people laugh. Results wise and CCA-wise you were top notch - always having and gaining the respect of your peers and teachers. You always had the ability to lead out teams even though your methods are really super kp at times. Going to your place to play XBOX and Wii games was always something we look forward to. In other words, Tsz own.(something we would understand in our lingo!) Thankfully, he has toned down on his kp levels but he still has this ability to ratchet up his kp level a few notches.

Tsz Hin's 21st was really well organized with plenty of games to perk up the moods of his friends. It wasn't just him having fun, the guests were immersing in the fun as well. It's honestly great to see you having fun on your 21st birthday and I sincerely hope you like the present from the team! 
Pictures from the party..

There is a golden rule that goes like this," If you are close to a person for at least 5 years, they are truly the ones that you simply have to keep." So to expand on how long we have known each other, I have actually known him through the childish years of Secondary School as well as the tough JC and NS years whereby meetups have been extremely hard to come by. Throughout these 7 years, we have all managed to keep a close bond and still continue to catch up with each other. Such friendships are truly hard to come by and if you ask me a question as to whether we would still keep in close contact 10 years down the road... I would give a big firm "YES" reply.
And thanks for giving me the opportunity to be the photographer for your event. I feel utterly honoured to be the guy taking pictures for this important milestone in your life.

P.S. Hi Tsz Hin I know you're reading this just want to tell you that it's friggin awesome to have you as a friend and all the best in your dreams of retiring early and earning big bucks!
So with that, Peanut has dedicated this post to Tsz Hin.
Stay tuned for more adventures!
Signing off,

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