By 6:21 PM , ,

Krabi was memorable in its own unique rights. One of the aspects that made it memorable was the many good food I managed to taste and try during my time there. The restaurant that I strongly recommend from my time in Krabi is this place called Nong Joke.

Yes, that place is named Nong Joke and it is no joke.


50/3 Moo 7, Sai Thai, Krabi Town, Thailand

Due to unforeseen circumstances that I can't reveal here, we were forced to find ways to feed ourselves through budget ways be it from affordable street foods or at cheap restaurant places. Nong Joke fulfils all the aforementioned criteria and here are 3 good reasons why Nong Joke is a must try in your time in Krabi.

1. Nong Joke sells ridiculously cheap food and it is a restaurant

A look at the menu and the first impression that you will have is that the food variety here is limited. The menu itself has only 4 pages which caught me aback slightly as restaurants usually have a wide variety of food.

All 4 pages of the menu at Nong Joke

However, in spite of its limitations, the food here is cheap and affordable. You can get an omelette for only 60 baht which is around SGD$2 and 8 prawns only cost 400 baht which equates to approximately SGD$16 and I had them all to myself. Nong Joke is no joke because in a touristy area like Krabi you don't get many good food deals like this.

Omelette at Nong Joke

2. Nong Joke sells quality food especially the soup

I am going to list out what I mean by quality:

Minced prawn omelette

The flavoured omelettes bring flavour to the fore through the rich tastes you get to experience when you consume it.

The prawns were extremely fresh and juicy that leaves you yearning for more. They were huge as well and if you do your math, one prawn actually only costs $2. Well worth a near king-sized prawn. 
  Beancurd soup
Seaweed Soup
Leaving the best for the last, the soups are flavourful and refreshing and it only costs 100 baht. The seaweed and beancurd soups each have their own unique tastes that you simply can't find in Singapore.

Nong Joke is no joke because of its unique and tasty food varieties.

3. Nong Joke is strategically located

Nong Joke is conspicuous as it is just located by the road and is only a 10 minute walk away from Krabi Front Bay Resort. It is an approximate 15 minute walk away from the main area in Krabi Town replete with street side stalls. Such a location enables visitors to simply walk to the restaurant and save up on their transportation cost.

The only drawback of dining in Nong Joke is that you will strongly feel the language barrier that barely has any traces in Krabi. Ordering food takes awhile which is understandable as most of the staff are inadequate in speaking English. It could be a tad frustrating but ultimately, the food quality would make you forget about the language barrier that exists.

Apparently, the menu that we chose was the lesser menu and there were some really outstanding food that were only in the Thai menu. Unfortunately, we did not manage to try them and even then, the Western menu more than sufficed for us.

So with that, Peanut has left a marker on another food place.

Stay tuned for more adventures!

Signing off,

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