By 6:29 PM , ,

People come and go in life. True fact. Hard fact. That is why the year 2015 is a precious one. A year of many 21st which also means a year of meeting familiar faces whom you have not met up with in ages. Busy and hectic schedules have meant meet ups with them are hard to come by. That is what truly makes this year such a golden year - Catching up on lost time and not missing such an important milestone in that someone's life. So I have decided to introduce this new section to my blog solely because it is the year of 21st birthdays and maybe even go one step further with such posts in the future. (Dedications) I feel that such a section has never actually been done before and I find it extremely meaningful to do it.

So without further ado, I shall begin on my post.....

So yeap as I have promised in my previous post, this post is all dedicated to Jayne, a person whom I have been classmates with for a total of 4 consecutive years.

So who is this Jayne?

Soon to be 21
Has a liking to potatoes and a certain durian
Member of the Aunty Gang in our jc class
Member of the much heralded CO in VJC

We were actually not very late for her party but due to unforeseen circumstances, we had to sit at the void deck for half an hour before going up. It drained much of my energy but thankfully, it wasn't really impactful.

Being a host is never an easy job as I did have first hand experience with it. Hopping around to different groups to interact and engage them throughout the entire day is a tough experience and I know that Jayne realised that on the day. You said you neglected a lot of people yesterday but we all know that's not the truth! You were simply busy being the host!

Throughout my almost 7 years of knowing her, Jayne has always been really simpleminded and kind hearted. Being simple minded isn't a bad thing. Overthinking and reacting to situations in adverse manners are easily avoided with your personality. 这样就不会想太多. Probably one of the most difficult traits to have around.

Once again, another friend who I have known for more than 5 years. It's really nice to know that this is the case. It's also nice to know that you have finally found that particular someone who is willing to be together with you, to help you in whatever ways possible and who loves you aplenty. Time isn't always the best barometer to judge the strength of relations but in this case, through time, I think your bond with your durian will only grow ever stronger. After all, the saga between you 2 has been extremely long to begin with and I'm super happy that you 2 are finally together! 船到桥头自然直. We can all see how much he has assisted you during your birthday, being the host and organizer etc!

Another thing about yesterday was that I totally forgot to write in your guest book because I was busy helping you to take photos(I feel so honored). Hope you liked our gift(hint:it is yellow in color) and I bet you had a blast yesterday during your party! Loved the creative games and beautiful decorations. It was honestly an apt setting for your 21st birthday.

So here are some photos of the event yesterday!

Because of events like Chinese New Year and many of our mutual friends 21st, meeting up with Jayne hasn't been difficult or lacking. Despite school and your other commitments, you seem to still be able to have that happy go lucky persona. And without a question, your auntie traits have always been ever so evident since secondary school days haha! Even after so many years, you still keep these traits and have never changed.

I definitely know you will be reading this post because I even pre-empted you. I honestly cannot wait to be your school mate for another few years even though we are in different years. 你是肯定值得大家珍惜的朋友.

So with that, Peanut has made another dedication post.

Stay tuned for more adventures!

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