By 12:06 PM , , ,

After a good long rest today, I am back again writing part 2 of my post on the RWS food that I have tried.

In every meal, the usual sequence of dishes would be as follows: Appetizers, Main Courses and finally, desserts. As the curtains are drawn over my RWS staycation, I shall share a dessert place to wrap up my time at Hotel Michael like how you would wrap up a meal.

This place is called," Just Like It!"


26 Sentosa Gateway
Singapore 098269


This peculiar looking stall that originated from Australia right smack at the front of the stretch with Hard Rock Cafe has an appearance that provides a blast to the past for adults and even students alike.

Chemistry equations and scribblings against a cosmic like background provides an interesting backdrop that attracts locals and tourists to pay the stall a visit. Trying out an ice cream can be a relaxing and enjoying experience as the place can be quiet apart from the machineries that rumbles when it is used to create the ice cream dishes for the customers.

Interestingly enough, the ice creams are made with nitrogen based gas which would make the ice creams cold and long lasting. Where would you even be able to spot something like that around often?

To add on, the family in charge of the stall is quite adorable and they kind of brighten up your mood when you order the ice cream from them. Plus points and more plus points.

But behold, because what I am referring and describing up till this moment is the AMBIENCE of this place and not the food quality or the price of this place. Ambience wise, is still quite decent but food wise, I do have my reservations over it.


What my family wanted to try out initially was this King Durian Ice Cream as my Dad loves this particular flavour. I wouldn't mind trying that flavour of ice cream as I do like Durian Ice creams to a certain extent. However, by the time we were there, all of that ice cream were already sold out so we had to make do with the Vanilla Oreo Ice Cream.

It was really quite shiok to try out that ice cream especially towards the end of my trip. Sitting there, not thinking about anything, and just simply enjoying this moment of serenity. Yes, it's true. I am writing as if I am in some beach resort or in some sauna but that was really how I felt then. Liberation and freedom. No phone calls from the office, no work to worry about. Everything is pointing towards one thing - That is to Enjoy yourself.

As I have said, the ice cream is quite shiok but I think they might have made a mistake. Vanilla Oreo felt more like chocolate oreo instead. From start to finish, what I tasted was only the chocolate flavour and I did not manage to taste the vanilla flavour at all. The thick chocolate flavour is commendable but that was not exactly what I asked for.


Full stop. End of story.


Crazy Exorbitant pricing for an ice cream and the ice cream quality wasn't even that outstanding. The pricings can be seen from the picture above.

Ultimately, a great experience at Just Like It but it was only because of the ambience and not the food. The ice cream might be shiok to a certain extent, but it wasn't enough to satisfy me.

So with that, Peanut has left a marker on another food place.

Stay tuned for more adventures!

Signing off,

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