By 9:22 PM ,

The clock is ticking and the year is finally winding down. It's been a year filled with so many experiences and emotions that it is simply difficult to list down every single thing in words. Let's not deny it. Problems were present this year. Obstacles had to be overcome this year.

True story for every single individual in this world.

One of the many things that I have appreciated this year however, was the thought of having this blog. It's a place where I can just let my passions run wild with no leases. It's a place where I can just look back and think to myself, hey, I've been to this place before and I loved/hated it. I simply love reminiscing as I can gather back my emotions from that particular place/incident as it provides a nice tickle to my soul.

However, it's also been true that thus far, every single thing right on this blog has been on either food or just overseas travelling matters. I would like to add a personal touch to it and there is certainly this one thing that I would love to venture into.

Since 2015 is dawning upon us, I should effectively start the ball rolling on an uncharted territory - "thought posts."

The people who know me personally do know that I am the kind where thoughts and ideas simply run riot in my mind. I do not have to speak my mind and it could be a shitty feeling if I don't at times.

In fact I'm a trier. I like to do things that I have not done before so that I can experience it(if it is not too dangerous). But trying can equate to and lead to so many different outcomes.

Trying can lead to jubilation.

Trying can lead to success.

Trying can ultimately be a really disappointing venture.

Trying can be misunderstood by others.

I know full well the coverage of these 4 outcomes. I have tasted each and every single one of those feelings entirely, over the past year or so especially.

My most important reflection of the year definitely embodies the word "TRYING."

Because it is this word that got me into so many different situations that made me experience and learn so much. I am not going to put in a self-centred post because I just dislike the idea of it but I am just going to share my reflections regardless.

Trying. It could mean that as a commander in BMT, you want to try to be different in handling different batches. You could want to be nice for the first. You could want to be fucked up for the second. You could want to be oblivious for the last. Just so you can experience how it feels like to have different personas. This definitely doesn't apply to all but to perhaps a minority of you, I'm sure that crossed your mine before. Don't have to feel guilty about it because it is normal.

Trying. It could mean that as a recruit or a cadet, you want to experience leadership appointments so that you can perhaps know how different it feels handling pressures and leading others in the military sense. You just want to try your best to see what your limit is regardless of how you perform.

Trying. It could mean that you try hard to get together with that someone you like regardless of the outcome.

Trying. It could mean something as simple as trying to get your driving license. You can fail at your first attempt. You could fail at your second or even the third. But ultimately, you feel jubilation when you do pass your test.

The thing that I have learnt and would like to bring across is this: Trying is good.

It doesn't mean that the outcome must be a positive one so that you can revel in it and remember it in a dreamy sense. It is the process that counts. Especially for young lads like myself, I feel that trying holds no boundaries. It is the journey and venture in that particular aspect that counts. You can be gung-ho or you can be a plain arsehole. It doesn't matter. It is the point whereby mistakes can be made and perhaps tolerated. Most importantly, lessons must be drawn from them and you improve yourself.

In fact to sum up my thoughts at this juncture, I've always remembered this quote from a certain someone.

" When you look back at your life, make sure that it has been worthwhile."

If you were plain safe and just not willing to try anything, you simply would not know what the outcome to trying it out could be.

Success or failure?
What's the emotions you go through?
What's the experience like?

Simply quoted, you are just hanging in the balance and left in the lurch.

Trying is good. Yes. But trying is all about timing.

Trying doesn't mean mistakes are condoned.

These in fact are what I've learnt during my army tenure over the past 2 years.

You can try hard and one mistake you make could just leave you for dead. The hard fact of society.

Out in the working world, I doubt there will be many opportunities for people to try out many different things and experience them. One mistake could just end a promising career.

So while the clock is ticking on the youthful years in school, how about just try something you have never done before, the point in life where mistakes are probably condoned. I'm not asking you to break the law, etc. How about trying hard towards your passions and goals so that you live a colourful life with no regrets? Trying hard for what you want and even if failure is the outcome, it would have been a learning experience.

Remember the quote,

" When you look back at your life, make sure it has been worthwhile."

Trying is believing in yourself.

This is the most important lesson that I have learnt from 2013-2014. I have grown stronger from trying instead of shirking and averting opportunities to try. And for the most part, although it has not been a pleasant journey, it was still a great life lesson that I have embraced with both hands.

I simply cannot wait for the upcoming 2015 to come. More challenges ahead for sure but more lessons to learn as well.

Yes, I know that this a food/travel blog but I just couldn't help it but to post on my reflections for the past 2 years. I love writing about my thoughts and I even keep a personal diary(who does it these days omg?!). It is something I would love to incorporate into this blog if it is possible.

I mean...there's no harm trying right?

So with that, Peanut has left a marker in 2014

Stay tuned for more adventures!

Signing off,

P.S. Really hope the passengers on the AirAsia flight are safe and sound. #prayforqz8501

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