By 4:51 PM ,

In all honesty, my last 7 months or so of hiatus from this blog has been enjoyable and vindictive of sorts and perhaps sprinkled with that bit of laziness. It all begun with Camps, more camps, rag and ultimately the crazy adventure of what we call the," SCHOOL SEMESTER."

Those 2 simple and seemingly innocuous words are littered with so many hidden things from the outside perceiving public. And yet for those that are in this wild ride of an adventure, it is seemingly, a weird mix of everything. Tiredness, happiness, sadness......it all boils down to the nature of the University School Life.

So a SCHOOL SEMESTER consists of 14 weeks of 5-6 subject syllabus raining down on us along with outside commitments... blah blah blah. After going through this rigorous and draining period of time, the only way to score well is that you would have to study your socks off to achieve your personal desired grade. However, there are plenty of those seemingly ridiculous individuals that have intellects that go beyond their efforts. Their effort simply do not equate to the grades they achieve. Well this happens everywhere and I am not at all surprised.

For someone like me who usually has goals and ambitions whenever I set out to do something, there was something that was missing from my mentality when I first stepped foot into NUS. Was it because of the fact that I have not enjoyed my long break sufficiently after I ORD-ed? Was it because of the fact that I really did not know what to expect from this 4-5 year journey I was going to embark on? I really have no particular clue to be honest but my gut tells me it was more of the latter and how true that turned out to be. Turning up for Camp Calibre but ultimately ending up getting the role was perhaps one of the few indicative signs that University was gonna be one heck of an unpredictable ride in general.

There are many different kinds of students - those that choose to be less involved in school activities just so they can focus on their studies, there are those that just don't care about anything, there are those that choose to concentrate more on outside commitments like hall and CCAs and THEN, there are those that try to balance everything like myself. Being that type of student doesn't necessarily mean that you will succeed in your goals and plans but it still decides what kind of a life that you will lead in school.

But ultimately, what I realised from my experience this first semester was this. Grades are important and should be the priority but in actual fact, you should really just go all out to enjoy every single aspect that University life can provide and have the most fulfilling and holistic experience that you can ever ask for.

There's so many highlights during my school semester and this only goes to show that spending Uni time in the right way can really define its experience aplenty even though it has only been one semester for me so far. And I can only have experienced this because of the company and support of my family and friends.There are really things that I would want to highlight from my lessons and school experience thus far. So here goes!

#1: In Business School, there really is a need to class part

One of the most unfortunate things about being a Business Student is the fact that a large proportion of your grades are based on your class participation marks. So that really means that, in the event that you have nothing to say in class, sometimes it really is still necessary to say something to indicate your interest in class and participate. 30% for class participation is really incredible for a module like Business Law. Sometimes it really makes you ponder if such a huge proportion of marks should really have been given and set aside for certain modules because it could be plain pointless at times. However pointless it is, every lesson in itself would be like a competition.

I can seemingly understand why modules like marketing and management requires you to class part so as to train you as confident inquisitive individuals but Business Law...? But yeah, class participation is mandatory in Business. Just fast forward to 1:12 of the following Rag Video of our performance this year on the floating platform. I guess it is to prepare us for impromptu questions like this?(ERHEM JOSH)

Jokes aside, it really is necessary to be an active participant in class as a prerequisite to achieve your desired grades.

#2: Getting lousy teachers are really a given at times

I won't want to name anyone but the fact is, the chances of getting a teacher that doesn't actually help you to learn much are extremely high anywhere in University. If that happens to be the case, one would have to work really hard to do well in that particular module and not be dependent on the teacher. It actually reflects the reality that is University, as most of the time, you would have to depend on yourself. In the rat race that is our University course, it is always about the survival of the fittest. Sad to say that it's true, but it doesn't mean you can't have a balanced lifestyle and enjoy your school life!

#3: Hall/Residence Life can really define your school life

Imagine having a really long and tiring day at school, and you reach back your room during the wee hours of the day. You are getting ready to shower and go to bed and am extremely drained. But then, your neighbour for some reason, is seemingly awake at the same time as well. So you end up having a good long chat, talking about your day, talking about some of the worries that have been troubling you.

Another scenario, where you just walk around the aisle and have random conversations or you visit your friend who stays at the same block/corridor and just catch up on life or just having plain talking cock sessions. All these small things that happen can really make your day. Be it playing sports, playing mah-jong, watching movies together, having supper sessions together, all these forms a major part of your University Life.

Many years after you have left hall/residence you will honestly look back and realise, that you really had one of the most awesome times of your life in campus. No offense to those not staying in campus but staying in campus can really define one's school life.

#4: Supper sessions are really one of the main cusp of a memorable University Life

Before University life, I rarely had supper. However, with the camps coming in and school starting, supper became almost part and parcel of my life. It wasn't everyday, but it was frequent enough to help forge memories and develop closer ties with friends. In a way, it is a lavish form of lifestyle, but it certainly formulated a memorable portion of my semester 1 life. Similar to the earlier point on staying in campus, these 2 really come hand-in-hand to having a holistic all round school experience.

#5: Importance of having support

But ultimately...in this slugfest of what we call the School Semester, perhaps the most important thing that I have learnt is that, without the support and company of my friends and family, I wouldn't have survived this friggin memorable SCHOOL SEMESTER.

I won't ever forget this semester for...

The crazy fun Camp moments..

The tiring but memorable RAG moments..

The awesome late night supper sessions I had..

The really great catch up sessions..

Those talking cock sessions..

The HTHT sessions..

Those entertaining group project discussions..

Planning for School Events..

Perhaps your ideal kind of Semester would be different but what is certain is that, in light of the recent release of results, Semester 2 would certainly be different from the Semester 1 experience in one way or another. For many, it really is time to pull up your socks and buck up for the imminent semester. It is the same for myself and I will definitely make full use and have all the fun I can have in what is remaining of this December Holidays.

Everyone's semester experience is different but one thing is for sure, this Semester 1 experience will stay special in my heart.

Merry Christmas everyone!

So with that, Peanut has left another marker.

Stay tuned for more adventures!

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