By 4:13 PM ,

People come and go in life. True fact. Hard fact. That is why the year 2015 is a precious one. A year of many 21st which also means a year of meeting familiar faces whom you have not met up with in ages. Busy and hectic schedules have meant meet ups with them are hard to come by. That is what truly makes this year such a golden year - Catching up on lost time and not missing such an important milestone in that someone's life.

This is particularly true to a certain extent but in the post for has not really been the case.


Here's a post to probably one of the strongest personalities from my closest clique.

Ng Yan Lun a.k.a Ng Yuan Lum
Just turned 21
Avid volleyball fan
Rare sincere and sweet guy
Short trivia before I begin on this long dedication. Interested to know how the name Yuan Lum came about? So here's the catch! When we were in lower secondary school, his C Division Jersey was wrongly printed as Yuan Lum. Ever since that day, he had this catchy nickname. It was the start of the journey of knowing this and it was truly one to cherish.

Don't let the looks deceive you. Yan Lun is one heck of a strong personality. He might not show it, but he is one that has been through aplenty and most certainly has learnt valuable lessons from his experiences especially those in the army. Amongst the 6 of us, I would say that he has gone through the toughest post-out journey in NS. Something that I truly respect and admire in particular as he has put in his time and soul to the NS cause to complete his tasks at hand. His professionalism is understated and as an individual, done so much amongst my core group of friends. How can I forget to dedicate a post to him? Truly impossible.

Booking courts for us to play beach volleyball...liaising to play indoors with clubs..offering his place to stayover... these are only the tip of the iceberg as to thethings that he has done for us. Early matriculation is dawning upon you and I suppose meetups are going to be difficult to come by really soon. I can foresee in a few months time, everyone would be too busy with their hectic schedules in school to meetup. Even now, meetups are at a premium due to tuition and part time jobs amongst us. Bet you are grateful to be alone in your school because Timothy won't be able to moderate you out of your course!

Despite that, I still feel that you would be able to do well regardless as you are the outspoken kind - a good nature of quality to have in a presentation rigorous environment that is SMU and I sincerely hope meetups would still happen in future.

I have known this lad since 2008 and that means... a friendship that is 7 years and counting. Your passion towards volleyball is there for us to see and I hope you continue pursuing this passion! Stay friendly as always and continue staying true to your personality and working as hard as ever in school to achieve excellence. No matter whichever phase you are in your life in the past, you always work hard to prove others wrong and to strive towards your goal. However, I still remember the times when we called you a "workaholic" because even for a part time job, you still spent so much time on it and it was for the short period of freedom after O Levels many years ago. I did mention that you must stay true to your character and continue working hard but sometimes.... you still have to take some respite!

Yan Lun also has this Tao Hua Yun about him. In other words...Yan Lun you own. I am still surprised that you did not pull off a celebration party. To make up for it, we decided to surprise you on your birthday and I hope you liked it! It is the least we could have done to make your 21st that bit more memorable and to show how much we value you as a friend.

I'm grateful for your presence and I'm glad to have you as a friend who always stands by me.

So with that, Peanut has dedicated this post to Yan Lun.

Stay tuned for more adventures!

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