By 11:10 PM , ,

Finally back with another post and this time, I would be talking about the Rainbow Night Market from Hualien. This Night Market is relatively much younger as compared to Zhiguang Night Market which is in the same area as well. In fact, this night market was meant to replace a former Night Market here(Nanbin) and is only 1 year old. If you have not read my posts on Zhiguang Night Market, you can click here. The wide array of colors of each stall creates a vibrant atmosphere and that is how its name came about. So apart from the interesting arcade games that is atypical of night markets in Taiwan, this night market also has its own unique diversity of food choices as well.

So here are 4 of the more decent food types from this venue.

Cheese potato

Baked potatoes that come with cheese? This stall sells varying flavours of cheese potatoes to cater to your personal preference. It is warm and soft on the interior and has a fresh layer of cheese over it. The cheese brings out another side of how potatoes can really taste like. 

The sauce given might not be a very generous amount but it is still more than sufficient in providing a rich and satisfying sensation on your taste buds. This cheese potato stall has got many separate branches throughout Taiwan already with the one at rainbow night market being one of them.

The cost ranges from NT50-90 depending on the flavour of your choice. 

Tofu fries

The first ever tofu fries stall within this night market was being setup last year in 2014. Being the less popular night market and its relative younger age as compared to Zhiguang, there are a lesser number of people that frequent this place and thus, stall. 

The tofus here are being moulded into fries-like shapes and fried subsequently before being coated with cheese and vegetables as it is being served. 

One box of fries cost around NT45-50 depending on flavour with the more popular flavours being the plum and milk cheese flavor.

Roasted Duck Roll

This peculiar dish is not just about the taste, but also all about the creativity. A normal roll of prata like skin is being filled with vegetables and roasted duck slices that might seem odd but once you taste it, you would surely change your initial mindset about it. 

The fragrant roasted duck fillings surprised me to a huge extent as it could mix well with the roll and the other fillings that come along with it. 

One roasted duck bun costs NT50.

Man tou

It is a torturous experience to watch the preparation of this man tou. Standing at the sides while watching the aunty fry the bun and coat it with butter is an agonizing experience - one that is so appetizing that you just want to get your hands on it right at that instant. 

The taste did not disappoint as the man tou was not only crunchy, it had a great flavour about it with its fragrant butter and pepper that was coated over it. It was, needless to say a scrumptious and satisfying experience to consume this bun.

One man tou costs NT20-40 and if topped up with another NT5 you can get an additional egg in it.

It is really odd as to how withdrawal symptoms for an overseas trip would only kick in about 1 week later. Taiwan was truly such an awesome experience. With its cheap quality food and priceless scenery, I would definitely say yes if the chance arises for me to travel to Taiwan again.

At the same time, I would really like to take this chance since I am at the topic of Taiwan to express my condolences over the plane crash that happened today. It is terrifying how flights can seem so unsafe with all these accidents that are constantly happening. 

So with that, Peanut has left another marker on another food place.

Stay tuned for more adventures!

Signing off,

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