By 2:58 PM , ,

People come and go in life. True fact. Hard fact. That is why the year 2015 is a precious one. A year of many 21st which also means a year of meeting familiar faces whom you have not met up with in ages. Busy and hectic schedules have meant meet ups with them are hard to come by. That is what truly makes this year such a golden year - Catching up on lost time and not missing such an important milestone in that someone's life. So I have decided to introduce this new section to my blog solely because it is the year of 21st birthdays and maybe even go one step further with such posts in the future. (Dedications)

My life is not complete without my family and friends. Peanut adventures would not be around without the support of them. Forget about this blog being solely on food stuff and travel stuff. I'm retweaking it and filling it up with bits and pieces of my life as well in addition to my food and travel adventures.


And so I'm finally back from Krabi but the first thing I had to do once I touched down was to attend an important friends 21st. She is none other than Miss Sabrina Kirk! Be honoured miss.! After much suaning by the group that was there today, I decided to really make this post a reality just for you. So sit tight and read what I have to write - Cuz this is officially a #peanutadventures post!

The culprits who were there and a certain Rachel Lam

Before I begin, you must be wondering who is this Sabrina Kirk. Let me enlighten whoever is happening to read this post:

Sabrina Kirk.
Turning 21. VJC S55 Classmate and fellow house commer. Proud member of the Adhoc VA which stands for Victorian Affair.
Nicknames: Fishball face because of her extremely round face(it's a compliment!) and I don't know why but her contact name on my phone is Sab the lousy witch.

So with a better idea of who she is, let me move on~

I was honestly barely awake(yes true story) when I made my way to the party and thankfully I managed to make it in time otherwise I could have spoiled the surprise. Of course la.. I Touch down straight away go and attend your party lei. Imagine chancing upon you by coincidence at the lobby of MBS. Wa if that happens confirm very jialat. Confirm burden like this Zhen Yi who came late. I mean worse come to worse tio caught lor. Maybe I will pretend that I'm there for some other event or think of something while I'm all sunburnt.

But yeap luckily none of that had to happen or I will be severely exposed. FOR SURE. Seeing her for the first time in a long long while was definitely exciting in spite of my fatigue. To be honest, I can't even remember the last time I met her. I think it was probably the February of last year. When the whole Victorian Affair ad hoc was in rare full attendance.

From knowing Sabrina so long for the past 4 years or so, I have come to know that she is an extremely intelligent and devout lady that carries a cheerful disposition. She is one who has the propensity to suddenly erupt in emotion by exclaiming whenever she is hyper. A pure joy to have around due to her fun-loving personality.

Picture from many many years ago~

The past year of not meeting up with the group has mainly been due to the same reason: school, projects and more school. God knows what SMU is torturing her into doing but whatever the case, I know that university life has been extremely tough on her. The combination of a lack of sleep and crazy workload intensity can be a real killer. I have not got to experience such a life myself but it will definitely come later in the year.

So I am extremely glad that she had so much fun today during her 21st birthday surprise at MBS. So we took photos...

Hi Sabrina I know you're reading this! Amidst all of your hectic schedule do remember to take care of yourself and rest sufficiently.


You sort of look tired perhaps from your endeavors in school. You deserve such a rousing 21st birthday surprise and here's to wishing you a happy 21st!

So with that, Peanut has made his first dedication post.

Stay tuned for more adventures!

Signing off,

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